Here, I give an sample picture shows that the containers are loaded onto the vessel by following the Bay plan. The yellow coloured numberings show that the Row numbers. The left side is known as Port Side, the Right side is known as Starboard side. The horizontal view of the containers is known as Tier. Here, one point is to be noted must. According to the loading of containers on deck of the vessels, vessels maintain different types of lashing plans depend on their port of destinations, particularly the weather conditions. Of course, they maintain such a lashing plan, they must plan properly. Normally, the containers are of different kinds, different heights, etc., The container stowage under the hatch makes no problem. But, On deck, very big problem if the High-cube containers, 9"6' are loaded particularly sea side, shore side side of the vessels. The lashing men every time meet the same problem when they do lash or unlash the containers. It is very important that the body structure of the lashing men must be consider. Even tallest men working for the lashings, they meet accidents while removing the bars from the containers. The Planners must consider these problems. The quay crane is the machine that it can do any thing about the loading/discharge the containers, but, the lashing men are human beings. Their safety must be planned.
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